Posted by: louiseheasman | January 19, 2010

What’s your one word mantra for 2010?

I was really inspired by Mari Smith’s blog post about creating a one-word theme for the year and it really got me thinking.

Like many of you, I have all my business, financial and marketing plans in place for 2010 but the simplicity in having a one-word theme, or mantra, really resonated with me.

Having reflected on my goals and plans for this year, there’s one word that came shouting out at me and that is FREEDOM!

For me FREEDOM sums up everything that I want to achieve this year:

  • Having a business that gives me the FREEDOM to work when I choose to
  • Having the FREEDOM to work where I want to
  • Having the FREEDOM to work with who I want to

And I could go on! Seriously, it’s a great one to muse over as I know this one word mantra is going to help keep me focussed this year on achieving me goals and making the best informed decisions.

So what’s your one-word mantra for 2010?

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